Fab Five Monday

1. Fitness & Beauty: I’m trying harder to stay on track with getting fit, eating right, and maintaining my appearance. I struggle with the balance of those, just as I think everyone does. Lets face it — I’m lazy and I love sleep. I found this article that focuses on how to do low impact workouts for just a few minutes a day, make it to work/school on time, AND look presentable. (the only thing is they say to use facial wipes after workout. Some facial wipes don’t truly clean your face. I think a cleanser is best — which I will be doing. Read the article on make up wipes here.)  I go to an all girls school so no one really cares if you come in looking like you just crawled out of bed, in fact it’s become the norm with our school. However, I would like to challenge myself with the daily task of — well-being an actual adult and doing what is necessary to live a healthy life. I love dressing well and looking presentable, but not necessarily working out and eating clean. However, on the days that I actually maintain a balance of all these things I can tell a huge impact on my life. I surprisingly have more energy and motivation to do well in the other parts of my life; like school, work, and my jobs. Getting these things scheduled and together before the school semester starts next year is necessary to ensure I will continue them as soon as I have more to do when I move back to Raleigh. I’m also doing the squat challenge you’ve seen all over pinterest and buzzfeed — look out Jen Selter (jokes).

drop it like its hot


2. Organization: Yet another thing that I need to get right with my life. I currently live in an “organized” chaos – but with the way my life has been and all that I want to do in the future — I need to get more organized. I’ve read tons and tons of organization tips with time management and what not. There are great planners out there like the simplified planner and the Day Designer. Last year I even ordered a Day Designer – and that was nice, but I needed even more organization than that. I know it’s crazy, but when I’m actually organized it is VERY particular. Therefore, I am creating my own planner. Which I will hopefully share with you all once I have all the kinks worked out. Anyways below is a picture of the washi tape (obsessed) that I found at AC Moore to coordinate with my planner/organization binder. I’m so excited about this washi tape, lol. I’m ridiculous — I know.

washi tape

3. Fashion & Art & Music: Fly Art- I found this site last year and I have yet to buy one of these shirts, but I’m obsessed. I find these t-shirts hilarious. They incorporate lyrics from popular songs and layer the lyrics on a famous piece of art. Interesting right? Here is the tumblr. Here is where to buy!

six with my woes

4. TV Series: Big Little Lies- Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon to star in a TV show together? I rarely see Witherspoon in anything without a southern flare, so is it going to incorporate that? Is it going to be Stepford Wives meets Sweet Home Alabama? WHO KNOWS. All I know is that you have my attention HBO. Lets make it happen. See article here. In the meantime I’ll be hitting up netflix and Penny Dreadful on Showtime. Oh. My. Gosh. Random thought, but who else is excited for True Detective?! I know I am!

sweeet homestepford

5. History & Art & Fashion: This article on Frida Kahlo’s wardrobe is fascinating to me. Her life was colorful and bold, naturally. After reading this article I decided to delve into the public response to the release of her most treasured items. This is a great article and this one as well. I learned so much about Kahlo that I didn’t originally know. Of course I had seen her work, but I had no idea of her background. It’s fascinating and disturbing. I highly encourage those to read more about her life.


Have a fabulous week & Drop it like it’s hot.


PS: Start off your week with this quiz — which beyonce are you? I love these things. lol. I am “Dangerously In Love Beyonce”

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