Friday Finds

It’s finally Friday! It’s been a woozy of a week (woozy, lol). I was in the hospital again, and was just released yesterday afternoon. I have no idea how this keeps happening — it’s the third time this year! Did I break a mirror? Walk under a ladder? Open an umbrella indoors? 2015 is surely kicking my butt, but I’m sticking with it. I’m blessed to live the life I do and being in the hospital will surely make you realize that time and time again. The good news is, I’m feeling much better and all the prayers were much appreciated. Thanks to all who knew and helped me and my family once again! Anyways, because I just can’t wait until Monday here is your Friday Finds!

F: It’s so cool to see how fashion has changed over the years. Sometimes there are minor changes and other times the changes are drastic. I think fashion is really shaped by social change and issues as well. Just look at what happened from 65 to 75! Read the article here.

R: Madewell x Spotify. I absolutely love both, and when they come together to promote good style and music you’ve got my attention. But then .. what’s this?! They have a sweepstakes?! I’m floored with excitement. Of course I know my chances of winning are absolutely .. hmm lets see zero to none, but it’s fun to dream. Check out the looks and music here.

I: Obviously by now if you’ve read the blog you know I just can’t contain my inner Hepburn. When you combine Audrey Hepburn and decor I can’t help but to make it my mission to find a claw foot tub and turn it into a chair with colorful pillows. Refinery 29 came out with this article to help those a little too obsessed (like me) make their apartments more like Breakfast at Tiffany’s with quirks all around. Maybe if I can find the perfect tub/sofa I can throw the perfect party with the most colorful guests?

D: Kate Spade has new arrivals! whoop whoop! That’s always exciting news for me. Check them out here. I’m super excited they’ve partnered with women in Rwanda! It’s so inspirational for companies to combine with others for a cause. Read more about it here.

A: Everyone loves the beach in the summer, but I absolutely love escaping to the mountains for a slightly cooler altitude — plus it’s not so crowded! Actually scratch that. Take me to the mountains anytime of the year and I’m a happy girl. Many of these finds are in the mountains, some at the beach, and some in the middle; but I stick by what I’ve said time and time again: Day trips and weekend trips — playing tourist in your own state — and adventuring around can be the best time spent this summer. Here’s an article on 15 hidden gems in NC.

Y: Lastly, I love preservation, old buildings, and the character/charm in otherwise broken cities. While Detroit is in a horrendous state I can’t help but feel completely awful for all of those beautiful buildings! Yes I know they don’t actually have a soul, but think about the history — and the families that lived there and invested so much of their life’s work into making it a happy home. Even the warehouses! So many people invested their time making a living in those buildings, and now they’re in ruins! Personally I think it is a direct reflection of how our society tends to move so quickly that we disregard the past and as a result we don’t learn from mistakes or triumphs. Maybe that’s just the kooky designer/artist coming out in me, but take time to read this article about buying/flipping property in Detroit. Also, I love Nicole Curtis and her show on HGTV, Rehab Addict — It’s a definite must see. Check out her work with preservation on her website or on online episodes of Rehab Addict

Happy Weekend Loves! xx

Hepburn In My Step

Let me start by saying I am in no way a model .. and I kind of hate posing for photos (in part because I think I look dorky in all of the photos). However, my love for fashion supersedes my insecurity with photography so here goes.

These photos were taken a few weekends ago when I was in Raleigh for my college formal. Taken by my lovely friend Katie — whom you will see in some of the photos. I am wearing … yup you guessed it .. all black. There was a purpose to the all black — I was trying to attain a modern Audrey look from the photo below.

Behind Audrey

For Easter the previous weekend my mother gave me this book that made me want to “put a little Hepburn in my step” every day.

Anyways, before formal Katie and I decided to play around in the Raleigh Rose Garden– we thought it would be pretty. Little did I know, roses don’t bloom in the spring — it’s a summer thing. I like flowers, but never have I ever been able to grow anything so …. yeaaah. Sorry about that.

Here goes the first of hopefully many style posts:

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I am wearing: A Madewell Linen Top (old similar here), old navy pixie pants, and J. Crew Cece Flats.

Katie is wearing: A Madewell Crop TeeMadewell Jeans, and Madewell Sandals (old similar here).

 Hope you enjoyed! xx